Monday, October 6, 2008

This is what happened to Bambi's mom!! (Monday Mayhem 1)

October 6th, 2008. A day that will forever be burned into the depths of my memory.

It had been the most beautiful fall weekend, which decided to carry over into Monday. The leafs were starting to change, the sky was a beautiful blue with clouds speckled high in the heavens. It was one of those days were you are happy just because.

My friend Nate was in town between business trips this weekend. Before he had to leave for the airport he wanted to do lunch with our friend Marlin, Ally, and myself. After waiting for entirely too long while attempting to pick up Marlin, and then picking up Ally who was walking out the door as we were pulling up (you're the best baby), Nate informed me that we need to swing by a house that our friend in common owns. No one was living there, however, we needed to pick up a bill that was supposed to be in the mail box.

Thinking that the mail box was attached to the house by the front door, as many of them are here in BV (Buena Vista {pronounced: B-uu-na}), and without anyone paying enough attention to direct me otherwise, I pulled into the driveway. The front of the house faces the back of another house and the driveway is in between the two. Lo and behold, behind the front house, rested that which has changed my life forever.

Nate, the ever so observant, spoke up with, "There's a deer leg in that trash can." Not completely registering what he said, I turned my head to the left and BANG, there it was:
It took a good 30 seconds to fully take in the grotesque beauty of what I was staring at. Once I was confronted with the recognition of what it was that rest before me, my boyish fascination overwhelmed me with the all encompassing yet simple phrase, "cool".

And of course in line with my new addiction, immediately after the profoundness of "cool", came the urge of necessity to BLOG! It was after both Ally and I were defeated with unworthy cell phone pictures that we resolved to return to the scene of awe with the appropriate tool. Lunch was over shadowed by the painful desire to produce a blog worthy of such an event.

After lunch, and lengthy debates as to who would take the photos and blog first, we both returned for the masterpiece. Upon snapping the first photo, we were caught. Bobby, a Tennessean transplant to BV of 19 years, walk outside to see what us yankees were cooking up. After some friendly explanation, she was more than inviting to let us take a closer look and some more pictures.

As you can see, I have little reservation with getting my hands dirty. It was a day, a day that simply had to be immortal-blogged. I am truly a better person for having witnessed such an event.

P.S. I totally tamed Huckleberry.